Anything i have recently made, although mainly cards, i love glitter and you may see many of the designs with glitter on them too.
I can make cards if you are interested in any thought i would price them at £2.00 plus £1.00 p&p let me know what you think ????
This I have made for a friends daughter's birthday as you can see she will be 10 years old, and have used a tinsy bit of glitter !!! this was from a sheet which i have cut out the shapes and then used some ribbon underneath and used as a card topper to go onto the base card below.
This I have made for a friends daughter's birthday as you can see she will be 10 years old, and have used a tinsy bit of glitter !!! this was from a sheet which i have cut out the shapes and then used some ribbon underneath and used as a card topper to go onto the base card below.